Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Home Sweet Home!

We are home now. There are more photos on our facebook if you want to see more.
Thanks for following the blog on our journey..

Friday, June 25, 2010

Sitting Bull Falls, NM

This was a little piece of Weeki Wachee. The falls fell into "pool" areas. We were able to swim in some and just wade in others. Tyler Climbed up on rocks and jumped in. Water was 62 degrees but felt good. We had a picnic there too. Good Day!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

White Sands, NM

This was pretty cool. Dunes and dunes. It was strange to see white sand without the Gulf of Mexico... LOL

We are now in Carlsbad, NM to see some of the caverns and other stuff here. Check back as we wrap up our adventure.. :O)

Yikes! Another tire...

We were heading from Monument Valley, UT to New Mexico and had a blow out (yes again) we were able to get another tire put on in time before the shop closed. We were up and running got to our next destination (Wal-mart parking lot for the night) and went into wal-mart to stock up again on things. When we came out Jeff noticed the new tire looked strange. After checking it out ~ Guess What? Another blow-out. UG!!! I think we have more money out in tires then anything this trip.... :O) We again we able to find a tire company to come to Wal-Mart parking lot to install the new tire for us the next morning. We managed to stay on schedule and got to Carlsbad, NM today without any issues (Thank God). We will be in this area until the 28th which then we make our journey home. We will be glad to get the RV parked without any more new tires. (4 total this trip) We will need to replace out battery and windshield when we get home. Windshield is cracked from top to bottom, praying it doesn't get worse before we get home. Dad had a blow-out in Wy, Jeff had to put a starter on in Utah. All in all we are having a good time, as this sure has been an adventure.
Please pray we make it home without any issues. :O)

Navajo Nation

This was really cool. We went to a Hogan (hO one) demostration. This is what the Indians lived (and some live in) She agreed to let us take her picture with us. Really cool !!

Monument Valley Campground

This was way off the path in Navajo Nation but worth it. We did get some of the smoke from the Flagstaff, Az fires though the first day. The canyons were right in the campground. Pretty cool to go through them.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Zion National Park

This was a cool park. We saw some mountain goats coming in and this one was way up top of a rock area. There was three tunnels to go through they were small. One was 1 mile long with windows in it, really neat. Jeff and Tyler went hiking through the creek and over the mountain. Had a nice time. Jeff, Tyler and I took a trail ride on horseback and had a good time.

Bryce Canyon 4 wheeling

Bryce Canyon was cool but 57 MPH winds which made it difficult to see it all so the next day we took 4 wheel tours. It was cool to see the canyon this way.

Bryce Canyon Rodeo

This was such a cool rodeo. It was small home town of starters.
Look at the little wranglers riding on bucking goats, the teens rode on bucking cows. It was really cute. This little girl in pink did barrel racing. She was so cute!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

New Dig Fossils, Utah

Got some neat fossils. They guys had a good time. While driving back we ran into some cattle crossing the road. This one stopped to look at us.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

OMG! Today, we took the RV's to Big O Tire in Utah to get tires and while we were getting the tires done we went to a fossil dig near Delta. When we returned to the tires they were all wrong. They put all-terain tires on dad's front (both) they were 2008 and charged him for 2009. Our tires are different and they scratched and dented the rims... :O(

Welcome To Utah

We got into Utah and stopped at a rest area to the vistor center. We went to leave and dad's RV wouldn't start. We spend 4 hours there getting a starter. We were in the middle of know where. We got back on the road and about an hour into the trip we got a flat. We had to stay the night, everything was closed. Good thing is the place we stopped happened to be right across the street from Big O Tires.. :O) It is morning and we are waiting on the tire repair now to get back on the road.

Tram Ride, WY

Tram ride up to the top of the grand tetons 10,450 with snow flurries. The view was amazing. We all really enjoyed this and it wasn't that cold, I was actually hot in my jacket. We slid down the mountain.

Jacksone Hole, WY

We took a stagecoach ride through town. The horses were paint QH 7 years old.

Yellowstone Snow

Tyler went walking up the mountain and fell up to his waste. He had to slide down.

Yellowstone Elk

This was just eating along side the road.

Friday, June 11, 2010


Wyoming is everything I expected and more. It is so beautiful. They still have snow in some areas which is neat to see from a distance. We are hearing that some areas in Yellowstone still have 8' of snow on the high mountains, sure hope we miss that. It was 70 degrees last night going into a dinner show and when we came out it was 47 degrees. The picture with the low clouds is the cold front that came in.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Funny Story

We meet these girls (Chancy & Ashley sisters on a road trip from Maryland to Oregon) on Needles Hwy, S.D. were they locked their keys in their car. Jeff helped them break into their car using their antenna. While in Cody, Wyoming we ran into them again at the Rodeo, we all couldn't believe it. They were so much fun to hang out with (Tyler sure enjoyed them). They are also heading to Yellowstone so we are wondering if we will run into them again.

Cody, Wyoming

Famous Cody Wyoming Rodeo! We all had so much fun! Tyler and I sat on "Hollywood" was much different then a horse's back. This horse came out of the shoot and bucked twice and went right on the ground on top of the rider. He was ok.

Wild Horse Sanctuary

This is a post office used during the Pony Express. Stage Coaches would stop here and rest. They would camp in the mountain area where Tyler is standing.

This was over looking some of the most beautiful land

Mother mustang letting her baby nurse. We were right there next to them. So cool.

This was really cool. We took a 3 hour tour. This land has NEVER been owned by the government some of the land is being leased from the Lakota Indians. Some much Indian history on this land. There was wild mustangs (you can see one nursing), Spanish horses and some rescue horses. They had some Quarter horses for breeding to sell foals for income. We took a jeep tour across 12,000 acres of stunning land. There was an area where the Lakota Indians still do their Indian dances and rituals.

Crazy Horse ~ Wind Cave

This is Crazy Horse. They are carving this out of the mountain. No government support at all. It is all being done on donations. Pretty Neat to see the process.
We went into Wind Cave. It is the 4th largest cave. It was 52 degrees in there. A lot of cool formations. Tyler enjoyed going through this cave.

Custer State Park S.D.

Custer State Park Wildlife Loop. We had so much fun going through this park. We saw a lot of wildlife.

Mules loved our trail mix. They were ready to climb in the windows, all we could do was laugh.