Thursday, June 10, 2010

Wild Horse Sanctuary

This is a post office used during the Pony Express. Stage Coaches would stop here and rest. They would camp in the mountain area where Tyler is standing.

This was over looking some of the most beautiful land

Mother mustang letting her baby nurse. We were right there next to them. So cool.

This was really cool. We took a 3 hour tour. This land has NEVER been owned by the government some of the land is being leased from the Lakota Indians. Some much Indian history on this land. There was wild mustangs (you can see one nursing), Spanish horses and some rescue horses. They had some Quarter horses for breeding to sell foals for income. We took a jeep tour across 12,000 acres of stunning land. There was an area where the Lakota Indians still do their Indian dances and rituals.

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